Get Involved
** Due to COVID-19 all volunteers are suspended at this time. We will update our website as soon as that changes. **
Volunteers are needed and valued in San Juan Unified. Any adult volunteer who will work alone with students at any time must be fingerprinted. This includes driving for or chaperoning on field trips, working with students outside the immediate supervision of a staff member, or walking students to and from the office. If you have been fingerprinted by SJUSD since 2000, you do not need to be fingerprinted again, but should update your Volunteer Information Form in your school office annually. If you start to volunteer at a new SJUSD school, the school secretary can contact the district office Fingerprint Unit to verify your status as a cleared San Juan volunteer. By law, fingerprint results done by another business or organization cannot be transferred to SJUSD or any another agency.
Fingerprinting is free of charge for San Juan volunteers and done on a first come, first served basis at the district office. Many volunteers needing fingerprinting in August/September, so please allow 45 minutes to an hour for this process during these months. TB verification is not required to volunteer in San Juan Unified.
Steps for new volunteers:
- Submit the Volunteer Information Form to the school office for an administrator to review.
- If the Administrator agrees that it is necessary for you to be fingerprinted, they will give you the Fingerprint Authorization Form, signed by them.
- If you are going to drive students in your car, you will also be given a form for this process.
- Bring the Fingerprint Authorization Form and your unexpired California ID/Driver’s License to the SJUSD Human Resources Department at 3738 Walnut Avenue, Carmichael from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, to complete the process.
- The school will be notified by the Fingerprint Unit if you are cleared to volunteer based on information received from the Department of Justice.
- The school will contact you letting you know that you are cleared to volunteer.
Don’t wait until the last minute to do this process. Results from the Department of Justice can take up to four weeks to be returned. All volunteers need to sign in at the school office upon arriving on campus and wear a visitor’s sticker/badge when on site. Thank you for your service to the students and schools in SJUSD!